Sunday, May 1, 2016

I'm Back!

Long story short, life happened. I'm in finishing up my RN program and posting to blogs really took a back seat. During the time I was missing, I continued to cook and think veggies. A huge focus toward fulfilling daily nutrient needs in addition to eating more vegetables became my daily routine. With the lack of time, I gravitated toward meal planning and it's really been a life saver. How can I learn and teach about health when I'm not taking care of myself? I can't thrive on protein bars and vending machine food.

In the process, I've really stepped up my veg-food game. Does this mean I'm torching veggies over hot coals and climbing mountains to locate a rare spice? 

No. Nobody has time for that. I've simply altered my cooking style to easy, pretty, tasty, healthy and usually just fun. I hope it reflects in the following posts from now on. 

Looking back on some of the recipes, I definitely have grown as a cook and as a (mostly) vegetarian. I'll be uploading posts more regularly and hope you get some benefit out of them.

A fun photo of a friend who volunteered with me at the 2016 Veg Fest in Seattle. We were the black bean dip girls.

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